20 More Inspirational Quotes AKA 20 New Quotes to Caption Your Instagram Photos With

Dear Mimi,

Here are some more immature baby quotes for not so immature babies (so for mature babies, immature adults, mature adults, the possibilities are endless).

By the way, I had written these down a while ago and for some reason I didn’t think it was important to write down the author. But no worries, a quick Google search will solve that problem for ya.

  1. The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
  2. Begin with where you are now. Begin with your tremblings, your earthquake. The universe didn’t start with a sigh, but with a bang. So begin. The stars inside you are waiting.
  3. It was sunsets that taught me that beauty sometimes only lasts for a couple of moments, and it was sunrises that showed me that all it takes is patience to experience it all over again.
  4. The wound is the place where the light enters you.
  5. How we walk with the broken speaks louder than how we sit with the great.
  6. You don’t drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
  7. Fear is the devil’s greatest illusion.
  8. Don’t settle. Don’t finish crappy books. If you don’t like the menu, leave the restaurant. If you’re not on the right path, get off it.
  9. Fate whispers to the warrior, ‘You cannot withstand this storm’. And the warrior whispers back, ‘I am the storm’.
  10. The strength of a woman is not measured by the impact that all her hardships in life have had on her; but the strength of a woman is measured by the extent of her refusal to allow those hardships to dictate her and who she becomes.
  11. Even with a broken wing, she decides to fly, hoping the wounds would heal in flight.
  12. Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let bitterness steal your sweetness.
  13. This isn’t where the book ends. It’s just where the chapter turns into another. A turning page is also a turning point. Inked progression. Let this pen move freely.
  14. They say good things take time. But really great things happen in the blink of an eye.
  15. Don’t turn away when it gets dishearteningly difficult, because when we step onto flights towards skies that best suit us, the storms are always worth swallowing. Learn to use the lightening as fiery fuel to further propel you to all that encourages your own aliveness. Life simply moves too swiftly for anything less.
  16. One day, your heart will stop beating and none of your fears will matter. What will matter is how you lived.
  17. By choosing to be our most authentic and loving self, we leave a trail of magic everywhere we go.
  18. Someday, we’ll forget the hurt, the reason we cried, and the one who brought the pain. We will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge, but letting things unfold in their own ways and time. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our lives which shows how well we ran the race. So smile, laugh, forgive, believe, and LOVE over and over again.
  19. You can’t calm the storm, so stop trying. What you can do is calm yourself. The storm will pass.
  20. She was hurting, but she didn’t run away from it. She embraced the pain, because when it is deep, that is what has to be done. You have to feel your way out of the darkness when you can’t see the light.



Blogging the Bachelor: Women Tell All

Dear Mimi,

Choo choo! Jump aboard the drama train, cuz it’s a movin’! All these crazy women are back, ladies and gentlemen!

And finally, you're actually aware that New Mexico is in the United States unlike some people.

First Chris^2 go party crashing around LA. I didn’t even know that people had Bachelor viewing parties. Is this a thing? It’s literally a bunch of screaming girls jumping all over the place. Why, just why?! I will never understand. Chris says there’s nothing more fun than going around with Chris Harrison doing this. Really Chris, because I can think of 2782935792385 more things more fun than being surrounded by estrogen filled women with nothing better to do on Monday nights.

Wow, Chris actually begins by setting the scene like “A Tale of Two Cities” with that exact same opening line. Yeah cuz the Bachelor is exactly like the start of the French Revolution. Makes perfect sense. Next come the girls. I forgot how many there were.

After watching the playback (dang there really was a loooooooot of drama this season), Britt starts getting emotional and asks Carly why she pretended to be her friend the whole time. She described a scenario where they were having deep conversations and listening to music together and Carly doesn’t know what to say. She is literally trying to come up with a decent answer on the spot. Chris H. then calls Britt up to the “hot seat”. Then Jillian, out of nowhere, starts bashing Carly about how mean she was to Britt and tensions are running high. I’m talking like outer space high. Chris asks Jade what she thought and of course she agrees with Carly and you can see how people are taking sides based on their friendships.

I don’t know how to exactly narrate what happened next, but Chris asks Britt if she really would have lived in Arlington and she says yes, while Carly tells an entirely different story. They argue a lot about what was said and what might have been taken the wrong way and Chris Harrison finally interrupts and declares that they will never see eye to eye, which is 149% true. Britt says that she went on the show to find love and she thinks that she would’ve ended up with Chris if it weren’t for Carly. They cut away for commercial and come back early to show Britt saying again, privately this time, to Chris Harrison that she really thinks she could’ve ended up with Chris. I disagree with this, because if you recall, Britt was already ready to leave the show the night she was sent home and that was NOT because of Carly. It was because of Kaitlyn getting the rose instead of her and she was upset about that. So, as far as that goes, I don’t really know how much I’m buying what she’s selling.

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An Open Letter To My Fiancé’s Ex — ‘The One That Got Away’

Dear Mimi,

This is a post written by one of my closest friends. It describes, true, raw emotion of love, something I cannot describe to you yet, having never felt that before. I hope you read it and learn something, how to be vulnerable, how life can change, how love works.


All About Me According to Buzzfeed Quizzes

Dear Mimi,

There are few things in this world that unite everyone. One of them is Buzzfeed quizzes. These quizzes are literally the biggest time wasters you will ever have, but you will never consider these as such, because hey! I’m learning about myself and if I really am the next Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (you will sadly not get this reference at first read). So, throughout my high school and college career, where time is most abundantly wasted, here is a complete profile of myself, based entirely off Buzzfeed quizzes that I have taken. With, of course, my commentary sporadically given.


-There are a lot. I apologize for this in advance. Hope you don’t get too bored going through all of them.

-I’m not going to link each quiz because let’s face it, I’m not THAT nice and more honestly, I don’t have that much time. But, if you every want to take any of these, a simple google search of “buzzfeed (insert quiz name/topic) quiz” will suffice.

-These are in no particular order. It is completely random.

-Some of these may overlap. It is not my fault. I have taken so many of them that I can not be responsible for remembering all of them.

-I have bolded the ones that are actually true about me. Just so you’re not confused lol.

Here we go.

I should’ve majored in computer science (ha! No) ★ The female literary character that I am is Jo March, from Little Women ★ I should compete on the show Cupcake Wars on the Food Network (I don’t even like cupcakes that much) ★ I am two parts old lady to three parts young (this is probably accurate) ★ I am the classic SNL character Matt Foley ★ I am attracted to awkward, yet adorable British gentlemen (sure, why not)I have done my fair share of living, but I am actually not living life to my fullest ★ I embody the city of Barcelona ★ The Tiffany/classic engagement ring is perfect for me (umm depends) ★ I am the Pixar movie Brave ★ The fictional city I should actually live in is Rivendell from Lord of the Rings ★ I should’ve actually gone to Harvard (yeah no) ★ The food that matches my personality is a sandwich ★ I am not a butthole at all ★ I should actually be an astronaut (what?) ★ I am the Corgi dog ★ I eat like a small childI will be a helicopter parent ★ I am the dancing twins emoji (I prefer the dancing lady one) ★ I am Tiana, from the Disney Princesses ★ The Disney couple that is my ideal relationship is Anna and Kristoff from Frozen ★ I am straddling the line between cool and uncool (no way. I am all cool) ★ The girlscout cookie that is me is chocolate chip shortbread ★ I am single because I am too perfect (cheers to that) ★ I am a suddenly single serial dater ★ I should be in the “best friends” relationship ★ I am so emotionally unavailable that I am “frozen” (okay not that much) ★ The dinosaur I am is the dilophosaurus ★ I should get a teeny tiny tattoo someplace cute like behind my ear or on the inside of my wrist (I wish) ★ I am the shark Mark Cuban from Shark TankIf I were elected president, I would be going on Mount Rushmore, striding along the best presidents in history ★ Ombre hair is the trendy thing I would really love if I actually tried it (I don’t think I can pull it off) ★ My fate in the Hunger Games would be death. I succumbed to a career during the final showdown ★ Continue reading

Blogging the Bachelor: Week 8

Dear Mimi,

Hopefully this post will be shorter than the last, so here goes nothing. Welcome to hometown week y’all!

But, before that, we have the drama with Britt. As the rest of the girls talk about what happened the night before (read: gossip and overanalyze), Britt comes in and tells all of them that she is leaving. She doesn’t think that Chris is the man for her and doesn’t want to introduce him to her family next week. DIDN’T I CALL THIS? Read the last post if you don’t believe me! Carly does 436457389475 different voiceovers/interviews explaining how Britt always wants to be the center of attention, how she wants Chris to fight for her, how she is always so used to getting what she wants and when she finally realizes that Chris is forming relationships with other people, Britt wants to get out while she still can without looking like she was dumped. Carly goes “I don’t feel bad for Britt at all. It’s fun to see her squirm”. Homegirl even calls Britt out pretty much saying that “you say you are leaving now, but after you talk with Chris, you’re going to magically stay because you always change your mind whenever Chris tells you something and you always manipulate him”. Okay maybe not that last part directly, but it was inferred (confirmed in the 436457389476th interview). Well be careful Carls, because karma has a way of working things in lightning speed on the Bachelor. (Remember what happened to Kelsey and Ashley?)

I know what you did.

I know what you did.

ha! karma!

ha! karma!

Oh and through all of this, Becca has a date! Nothing much happened except they chill at Chris’ apartment, which looked like my hotel room from when I stayed at Yellowstone National Park, and they watch the sunset. Becca tells Chris she has never been in love. Join the club Becca.

“Up next, it’s the most dramatic rose ceremony ever” *Chris Harrison voice*. Yeah, cuz you’ve only been saying that for 8 weeks in a row now. There is no time to talk because Chris has made up his mind. In the middle of facing the girls and talking, right before he is going to hand out roses, Britt interrupts him and they go somewhere else to talk. RIGHT after they leave, all the girls start gossiping like little old ladies again. I’m surprised Britt and Chris didn’t hear them on their way out of the room; it was that instant.

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15 Important Things My Husband Absolutely, Positively, Most Definitely Has to Know About Me

Dear Mimi,

There comes a time after you get married (I wouldn’t know, but I’m just assuming lol) where your weirdness slowly starts to creep out. Well, I’m gonna do my future husband a favor and just let it all out at once haha 😉 I present to you, the 15 most important things my husband NEEDS to know about me if he wants to survive. Muahahahahaha!



  1. I once stole a shopping cart from a store and pushed it 2 miles back to my dorm while studying abroad in Turkey (in my defense we had a lot of groceries, it was over 100°F out, and we were exhausted/fasting).
  2. Apple cider vinegar smells like feet to me and is the bane of my existence.
  3. In 7th grade, I broke my foot by dropping a shampoo bottle on it (2 days before a trip overseas).
  4. Mango juice and strawberry milkshakes are the way to my heart (and washing the dishes).
  5. I am a picture hoarder (you never know when you might need to pull up the 3 billion pictures of your cat).
  6. I have a taste aversion to Taco Bell (sorry bro, can’t ever go there. at least not with me)
  7. The best pick up line I’ve ever heard was “Do you like free food?” (That should already tell you a lot about me off the bat).
  8. I say ‘duck’ tape instead of ‘duct tape’ and ‘sherbert’ instead of ‘sherbet’.
  9. According to one of my friends, my face feels like pudding and I use too much moisturizer (I apologize for my friend’s lack of boundaries).
  10. I never know how to pronounce ‘Oberweis’ from “Oberweis Ice Cream” (everyone I ask says something different!)
  11. I give my cat a shower twice a year.
  12. 2:17 is my favorite time (it is so randomly exquisite).
  13. Caffeine does not work on me. I can drink a whole cup of coffee or an entire can of pop and go right to sleep.
  14. I hate the following words and phrases: cool beans, totes, adorbs, perf, slay, yaaaas!, on fleek, can’t even (learn to speak like an educated adult people! have a shred a dignity!)
  15. I used to be afraid of geese (USED TO BE).

So there you have it Mimi. Wish him luck, he’s gonna need it.



Sometimes, I pretend to be normal, but it gets boring. So I go back to being me.